Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Renaissance Festival, Huntersville, NC

I love traveling around
to see new things...

Look at where 
I went now....

The Renaissance Festival

I'm studying the
Renaissance now in school too...

One of my favorites was the jousting...

Then they battled to the death with swords!

My knight won...

Leonardo da Vinci created 
a great flying machine...

I got to see the King and Queen up close...

Then I took a tour of the Dungeon...
This is where they tortured people...

Do you see the orbs by
The Head Crusher...?

They move....

There was alot here to see...

And the place looked so cute...

There were so many friends here too...

Do you see another orb?
(It's by the statue's hat.)


  1. It looks like you had a great time at the Renaissance Faire! In the second 'head crusher' picture... I think I can even see a FACE!

  2. You must come with me when I travel haunted areas in N.J.
